performance - apache bench 中连接、处理、等待的定义

标签 performance apache benchmarking

当我运行 apache bench 时,我得到如下结果:

Command: abs.exe -v 3 -n 10 -c 1 https://mysite
Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:      203  213   8.1    219     219
Processing:    78  177  88.1    172     359
Waiting:       78  169  84.6    156     344
Total:        281  389  86.7    391     564




apr_time_t start,           /* Start of connection */
           connect,         /* Connected, start writing */
           endwrite,        /* Request written */
           beginread,       /* First byte of input */
           done;            /* Connection closed */


        s->starttime = c->start;
        s->ctime     = ap_max(0, c->connect - c->start);
        s->time      = ap_max(0, c->done - c->start);
        s->waittime  = ap_max(0, c->beginread - c->endwrite);


s->time - s->ctime;


t1: Start of connection
t2: Connected, start writing
t3: Request written
t4: First byte of input
t5: Connection closed


Connect:      t1-t2   Most typically the network latency
Processing:   t2-t5   Time to receive full response after connection was opened
Waiting:      t3-t4   Time-to-first-byte after the request was sent
Total time:   t1-t5

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