Hibernate SchemaExport 无法首先创建架构

标签 hibernate jboss java-ee-6 jboss-arquillian hbm2ddl

我正在使用 Arquillian、JBoss、JPA/Hibernate、H2 DB 和 Maven 运行测试。在我的测试 persistence.xml 文件中,我有:

<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop" />
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />

现在我有一个 User 类通过 Hibernate 注释映射到“users”表。

一切都快开始了。问题是 Hibernate 正在尝试执行:

drop table my_schema.users if exists


如何让 hibernate 执行它似乎忘记的“创建架构 my_schema”步骤?

更新: 我从 Hibernate 看到的消息:

09:42:45,402 INFO  [org.jboss.as.jpa] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS011402: Starting Persistence Unit Service 'test.war#ccmc'
09:42:45,524 INFO  [org.hibernate.annotations.common.Version] (MSC service thread 1-7) HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {4.0.1.Final}
09:42:45,532 INFO  [org.hibernate.Version] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000412: Hibernate Core {4.0.1.Final}
09:42:45,535 INFO  [org.hibernate.cfg.Environment] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000206: hibernate.properties not found
09:42:45,542 INFO  [org.hibernate.cfg.Environment] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000021: Bytecode provider name : javassist
09:42:45,572 INFO  [org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [
    name: ccmc
09:42:45,739 INFO  [org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.ConnectionProviderInitiator] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000130: Instantiating explicit connection provider: org.hibernate.ejb.connection.InjectedDataSourceConnectionProvider
09:42:45,956 INFO  [org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
09:42:45,962 WARN  [org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000431: Unable to determine H2 database version, certain features may not work
09:42:45,965 INFO  [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.LobCreatorBuilder] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000423: Disabling contextual LOB creation as JDBC driver reported JDBC version [3] less than 4
09:42:45,973 INFO  [org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionFactoryInitiator] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000268: Transaction strategy: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jta.CMTTransactionFactory
09:42:45,976 INFO  [org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
09:42:46,003 INFO  [org.hibernate.validator.util.Version] (MSC service thread 1-7) Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final
09:42:46,269 INFO  [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000227: Running hbm2ddl schema export
09:42:46,275 INFO  [stdout] (MSC service thread 1-7) Hibernate: drop table ccmc.users if exists
09:42:46,283 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000389: Unsuccessful: drop table ccmc.users if exists
09:42:46,283 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] (MSC service thread 1-7) Schema "CCMC" not found; SQL statement:
drop table ccmc.users if exists [90079-161]
09:42:46,284 INFO  [stdout] (MSC service thread 1-7) Hibernate: create table ccmc.users (user_id decimal(19,2) generated by default as identity, email varchar(100) not null unique, primary key (user_id))
09:42:46,285 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000389: Unsuccessful: create table ccmc.users (user_id decimal(19,2) generated by default as identity, email varchar(100) not null unique, primary key (user_id))
09:42:46,285 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] (MSC service thread 1-7) Schema "CCMC" not found; SQL statement:
create table ccmc.users (user_id decimal(19,2) generated by default as identity, email varchar(100) not null unique, primary key (user_id)) [90079-161]
09:42:46,286 INFO  [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] (MSC service thread 1-7) HHH000230: Schema export complete


我在另一个SO Question中找到了答案.

定义数据库的连接 URL 时,需要添加:“INIT=CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ”。因此 persistence.xml 文件中的完整 URL 如下所示:

<connection-url>jdbc:h2:mem:test-db;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;INIT=CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ccmc</connection-url>

其中 ccmc 是要创建的架构的名称。参数 DB_CLOSE_DELAY 与问题无关,可以安全地忽略此问题。

关于Hibernate SchemaExport 无法首先创建架构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17824041/


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