javascript - 在 ASP.NET MVC 中向 JavaScript 文件公开资源字符串的最佳方法?

标签 javascript localization

在 Razor View 中使用资源字符串 (.resx) 很容易,但如何在 JavaScript 文件中执行此操作?目前,我正在手动将字符串从 Razor View 传递到 JavaScript 构造函数参数中的脚本,但我想要一种更自动地执行此操作的方法,这样我就不必传递我需要的每个资源字符串。


我的解决方案基于此并引用 Tim Larson(作者)的话:

We don’t have to do much to determine what culture to use. The web browser, when it hits the server, includes header information showing what cultures it supports. ASP.Net automatically puts this information into CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture. We pass this into the GetResourceSet method, which then returns the resource set that matches the current browser settings.

Thus, if the browser is set to French, the French resources, and only the French Resources, will be returned.

Steep 1. 在 App_GlobalResources 文件夹中创建资源文件 RLocalizedText.resx。并创建用所有字符串填充它。

《极限巅峰》2. 创建ResourcesController

using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace PortalACA.Controllers
    public class ResourcesController : Controller
        // GET: Resources
        public ActionResult Index()
            Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
            return View();

Steep 3. 从 ResourcesController 创建 Index.cshtml View

@using System.Collections
@using System.Globalization
@using System.Resources
@using Resources
    Layout = null;
    // Get a set of resources appropriate to
    // the culture defined by the browser
    ResourceSet resourceSet =
        (CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, true, true);

// Define the empty object in javascript
var Resources = {};
@foreach (DictionaryEntry res in resourceSet)
    // Create a property on the javascript object for each text resource
    @:Resources.@res.Key = "@Html.Raw(


《Steep 4A》(布局)。如果您想在整个网站上使用它,则需要将此脚本引用放在@RenderSection上的_Layout(共享 View )上

<script src="@Url.Content("~/Resources/Index")"></script>
@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

陡峭 4B( View )。如果您只想在某些 View 中查看。

@section Scripts
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Resources/Index")"></script>

《极限巅峰》5。现在是使用它的时候了。选择一个您需要查看资源文件中的字符串的 View 并放置此代码。

@section Scripts
    $(document).ready(function () {


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