assembly - 68k寄存器地址

标签 assembly machine-code instruction-set 68000


我在 68k Programmer's Reference Manual 中找不到此信息,但这可能是因为我不确定要搜索什么措辞。

这是 68k 的 ADD 操作码的指令格式。

enter image description here

位 0-2 和 9-11 指定寄存器。 68k 寄存器的二进制表示是什么?它们是“地址”吗?

是的,我知道我可以编写一个 68k 汇编程序并对其进行调试以找到此信息。我正在寻找引用。谢谢!


参见第 2 节。 2.1、《指令格式》:

An instruction specifies the function to be performed with an operation code and defines the location of every operand. Instructions specify an operand location by register specification, the instruction’s register field holds the register’s number; by effective address, the instruction’s effective address field contains addressing mode information; or by implicit reference, the definition of the instruction implies the use of specific registers. (emphasis added)

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