magento - 将现有属性添加到所有属性集

标签 magento

我有一个嵌入代码的现有属性。我需要将此属性与 120 多个现有属性集相关联。

如果我知道属性集 ID,如何以编程方式将该属性添加到所有属性集?



在 php 脚本(包括 mage.php)中运行此代码,并让我知道它是否运行良好。

replace ( firstname ) with the attribute code that you want to mass add to all attribute sets

    $attSet = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_type')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('entity_type_code','catalog_product')->getFirstItem(); // This is because the you adding the attribute to catalog_products entity ( there is different entities in magento ex : catalog_category, order,invoice... etc ) 
    $attSetCollection = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_type')->load($attSet->getId())->getAttributeSetCollection(); // this is the attribute sets associated with this entity 
    $attributeInfo = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_collection')
    $attCode = $attributeInfo->getAttributeCode();
    $attId = $attributeInfo->getId();
    foreach ($attSetCollection as $a)
        $set = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_set')->load($a->getId());
        $setId = $set->getId();
        $group = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_group')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('attribute_set_id',$setId)->setOrder('attribute_group_id',"ASC")->getFirstItem();
        $groupId = $group->getId();
        $newItem = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
        $newItem->setEntityTypeId($attSet->getId()) // catalog_product eav_entity_type id ( usually 10 )
                  ->setAttributeSetId($setId) // Attribute Set ID
                  ->setAttributeGroupId($groupId) // Attribute Group ID ( usually general or whatever based on the query i automate to get the first attribute group in each attribute set )
                  ->setAttributeId($attId) // Attribute ID that need to be added manually
                  ->setSortOrder(10) // Sort Order for the attribute in the tab form edit
        echo "Attribute ".$attCode." Added to Attribute Set ".$set->getAttributeSetName()." in Attribute Group ".$group->getAttributeGroupName()."<br>\n";

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