scrum - Scrum Master 整天做什么?

标签 scrum methodology


Scrum is facilitated by a ScrumMaster, whose primary job is to remove impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the sprint goal. The ScrumMaster is not the leader of the team (as they are self-organizing) but acts as a buffer between the team and any distracting influences. The ScrumMaster ensures that the Scrum process is used as intended. The ScrumMaster is the enforcer of rules."

在此基础上工作,并且事实上大多数企业一次运行 2-3 个项目,SM 需要完成哪些实际工作任务来填补全职工作?或者,这不是一份全职工作,该人还做其他事情,例如开发、销售等?

SM 有什么可以分享的吗?


不幸的是,我们没有专门的 Scrum Master。我也是一名团队领导者和高级开发人员,这让我的一天充满了意义。

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