r - 为什么 NaN^0 == 1

标签 r math na arithmetic-expressions


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NA^0 为 1 是完全合理的,因为 NA 缺少数据,并且任何数字提高到 0 都会得到 1 ,包括-InfInf。然而 NaN 应该表示非数字,那么为什么会这样呢?当 ?NaN 的帮助页面指出时,这甚至更加令人困惑/令人担忧:

In R, basically all mathematical functions (including basic Arithmetic), are supposed to work properly with +/- Inf and NaN as input or output.

The basic rule should be that calls and relations with Infs really are statements with a proper mathematical limit.

Computations involving NaN will return NaN or perhaps NA: which of those two is not guaranteed and may depend on the R platform (since compilers may re-order computations).

这背后是否有哲学原因,或者只是与 R 如何表示这些常数有关?


这在 ?'NaN' 引用的帮助页面中引用了

“IEC 60559 标准,也称为 ANSI/IEEE 754 浮点标准。


在那里你可以找到关于什么应该创建 NaN 的声明:

 "There are three kinds of operations that can return NaN:[5]
       Operations with a NaN as at least one operand.

它可能来自特定的 C 编译器,如您引用的注释所示。 GNU C 文档是这样说的:


“另一方面,NaN 会影响任何涉及它的计算。除非无论用什么实际值替换 NaN,计算都会产生相同的结果,否则结果就是 NaN。”

看来 GNU-C 人们在编写代码时有不同的标准。据报道 2008 版 ANSI/IEEE 754 浮点标准提出了这样的建议:




关于r - 为什么 NaN^0 == 1,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17863619/


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