shorthand - "nit"在黑客用语中是什么意思?

标签 shorthand abbreviation

当有人在提交上写下“nit:删除空格”时,“nit”是什么意思?我还看到它大写,就好像它是缩写(即 NIT)。有关示例用法,请参阅 this post :

Of course there is a difference between a comment saying: "Nit: Trailing whitespace" and "According to Section V, Subsection VII of the Coding Manual you should never add trailing whitespace. Please see that you don't." or some stuff like that. The latter is a passive-aggressive potshot, the former IMO is just a quick reminder.

来自 "Chromium Code Reviews" 的其他示例:

Issue 9662: fix minor style nit (Closed)

编辑:答案来自 Bugzilla's review page :

Sometimes the reviewer will prefix his comments with "Nit:". This means that he's just "nitpicking"--you don't have to fix these points, but we'd like you to.


在“nit:删除空格”的上下文中,我认为该术语是 nit-pick 的缩写。也就是说,一个可能不太重要的小变化,但在技术上是正确的

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