xcode - 如何在LLDB中切换源代码 Debug模式和反汇编 Debug模式

标签 xcode lldb

如何在LLDB中切换源代码 Debug模式和反汇编 Debug模式,如“Xcode->调试->调试工作流程->始终显示反汇编”菜单功能?


这四个设置控制 lldb 在停止时如何显示源代码/程序集:

  stop-disassembly-count   -- The number of disassembly lines to show when displaying a stopped context.
  stop-disassembly-display -- Control when to display disassembly when displaying a stopped context.
  stop-line-count-after    -- The number of sources lines to display that come after the current source line when displaying a stopped context.
  stop-line-count-before   -- The number of sources lines to display that come before the current source line when displaying a stopped context.

例如,在 LLDB 提示符处:

set set stop-disassembly-display always
set set stop-line-count-before 0
set set stop-line-count-after 0


关于xcode - 如何在LLDB中切换源代码 Debug模式和反汇编 Debug模式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33333165/


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