javascript - 使用javascript聚焦后立即在Android上输入松散焦点

标签 javascript android angularjs ionic-framework

我正在使用 AngularJS 开发 Ionic 应用程序。

我得到的输入很少(登录/注册的东西),当按下 Enter 键时 - 在 android 上是 go 按钮,在 iOS 上是等效的 - 这是 KeyCode 13,它会在帮助下专注于下一个输入自定义指令。



<ion-view title="First Screen" hide-nav-bar="true" id="firstScreen" class=" ">
<ion-content padding="false" style="background: url(img/XAYpMMdUTvWFVAnrEhUi_restaurant.jpg) no-repeat center;background-size:cover;" class=" manual-remove-top-padding" scroll="false">
    <div class="">
        <img src="img/awdYDbeeSlSHCToXN5Lw_logo.png" width="auto" height="30%" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
        <label class="item item-input " id="emailInput" name="email">
            <input class="invisible-input" type="email" placeholder="Email" ng-model="" focus-me="currentInput == 0" ng-keyup="inputKeyEvent($event, 0)">
    <label class="item item-input " id="passwordInput" name="password">
        <input class="invisible-input" type="password" placeholder="Mot de passe"  focus-me="currentInput == 1" ng-model="user.password" ng-keyup="inputKeyEvent($event, 1)">
    <label  ng-show="isSignUp" class="item item-input " ng-class="{'animated fadeInLeft': isSignUp, 'animated fadeOutLeft' : !isSignUp && changed }" id="confirmPasswordInput" name="password">
        <input class="invisible-input" type="password" placeholder="Confirmation du mot de passe"  focus-me="currentInput == 2" ng-model="user.confirmation" ng-keyup="inputKeyEvent($event, 2)">
    <div class="actionButtonContainer">
        <button ng-click="signin()" id="loginButton" class=" button button-balanced  button-full">Se oonnecter</button>
        <button ng-click="signup()" id="signupButton" class=" button button-energized  button-full" ng-disabled="disableSignUp()">S'inscrire</button>


directive('focusMe', function() {
return {
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.$watch(attrs.focusMe, function (value) {
            if (value === true) {

这是涉及的 Controller 方法:

$scope.inputKeyEvent = function(event, inputId)
    $scope.response = event.keyCode;
    if (event.keyCode == 13)
        $scope.currentInput = inputId + 1;
        if ($scope.currentInput == 2 && !$scope.isSignUp)
        else if ($scope.currentInput == 3 && $scope.isSignUp)



问题出在我的 genymotion 模拟器上,它在真手机上运行得很好(至少在我的手机上是这样)


我认为你应该在未聚焦的元素上调用 blur() 方法。 我已经在 ionic 和 cordova 中完成了它,并且效果很好。

此外,将 focus() 包裹在 timeout 的下一个元素上($timeout 用于 Angular 版本或 setTimeout for vanillajs) 所以焦点将在另一个范围内执行,并在模糊完成后执行。


$scope.inputKeyEvent = function(event, id) {
    // prevent default 

    // blur on the unfocused element;

    // focus on next element
    // wrapped in timeout so it will run
    // in "another thread" 
    $timeout(function() {
      // If you want to follow all angular best practices
      // Make a broadcast and read the event in the link function
      // of your directive
      var obj = document.getElementById(nextId);

      // Check if object exists
      if(obj) {


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