regex - 在Notepad++中查找CRLF

标签 regex notepad++

如何在 Notepad++ 中查找/替换所有 CR/LF 字符?

我正在寻找与 Microsoft Word 中的 ^p 特殊字符等效的内容。


[\r\n]+ 也应该有效

2012 年 3 月 26 日更新, 发布日期 Notepad++ 6.0 :


PCRE regexp in Notepad++


原始答案2008 (Notepad++ 4.x) - 2009-2010-2011 (Notepad++ 5.x)


但如果您有 Notepad++ 5.x,则可以使用“扩展”搜索模式并查找 \r\n。这确实找到了您所有的 CRLF

(我意识到这与其他答案相同,但同样,“扩展模式”仅适用于 Notepad++ 4.9、5.x 及更多版本)


自 2009 年 4 月以来,Notepad++ 网站上有一篇关于此主题的 wiki 文章:
How To Replace Line Ends, thus changing the line layout ”。
(由 georgiecasey 在他/她的 answer below 中提及)


Simple search (Ctrl+F), Search Mode = Normal

You can select an EOL in the editing window.

  • Just move the cursor to the end of the line, and type Shift+Right Arrow.
  • or, to select EOL with the mouse, start just at the line end and drag to the start of the next line; dragging to the right of the EOL won't work. You can manually copy the EOL and paste it into the field for Unix files (LF-only).

Simple search (Ctrl+F), Search Mode = Extended

The "Extended" option shows \n and \r as characters that could be matched.
As with the Normal search mode, Notepad++ is looking for the exact character.
Searching for \r in a UNIX-format file will not find anything, but searching for \n will. Similarly, a Macintosh-format file will contain \r but not \n.

Simple search (Ctrl+F), Search Mode = Regular expression

Regular expressions use the characters ^ and $ to anchor the match string to the beginning or end of the line. For instance, searching for return;$ will find occurrences of "return;" that occur with no subsequent text on that same line. The anchor characters work identically in all file formats.
The '.' dot metacharacter does not match line endings.

[Tested in Notepad++ 5.8.5]: a regular expression search with an explicit \r or \n does not work (contrary to the Scintilla documentation).
Neither does a search on an explicit (pasted) LF, or on the (invisible) EOL characters placed in the field when an EOL is selected. Advanced search (Ctrl+R) without regexp

Ctrl+M will insert something that matches newlines. They will be replaced by the replace string.
I recommend this method as the most reliable, unless you really need to use regex.
As an example, to remove every second newline in a double spaced file, enter Ctrl+M twice in the search string box, and once in the replace string box.

Advanced search (Ctrl+R) with Regexp.

Neither Ctrl+M, $ nor \r\n are matched.



  • Type the new string at the beginning of the document.
  • Then select to view the document in Hex mode.
  • Select one of the new lines and hit Ctrl+H.
  • While you have the Replace dialog box up, select on the background the new replacement string and Ctrl+C copy it to paste it in the Replace with text input.
  • Then Replace or Replace All as you wish.

Note: the character selected for new line usually appears as 0a.
It may have a different value if the file is in Windows Format. In that case you can always go to Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Convert to Unix Format, and after the replacement switch it back and Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Convert to Windows Format.

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