c# - 如何从图像序列文件创建视频文件?

标签 c# aforge

我有 400 张序列图像。 我想从它们创建视频文件(剪辑..mpeg)

我下载了“AForge.NET”,并尝试研究它是否可能 - 但我不知道有什么方法可以做到这一点。



Look up the documentation ,找到VideoFileWriter Class ,看看它是members ,参见WriteVideoFrame method(s) ,阅读line :“将新的视频帧写入当前打开的视频文件中。”。答对了。已经成功一半了。

如果您在阅读方法签名 ( WriteVideoFrame(Bitmap) ) 时无法将各个点联系起来,或者不明白如何使用 Open() overloadsClose() method (为什么不呢,最后两个对于文件 I/O 来说很常见)你总是可以 Google "VideoFileWriter WriteVideoFrame example" , find code ,从那里开始。该函数的核心内容是:

VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter();
writer.Open("myfile.avi", width, height, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 1000000);
    // ... here you'll need to load your bitmaps


using (VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter()) 
    writer.Open(@"d:\myfile.avi", 640, 480, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4);
    foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(@"d:\foo\bar", "*.jpg"))
        writer.WriteVideoFrame(Bitmap.FromFile(file) as Bitmap);


var size = new Size(1600, 1200);                    // The desired size of the video
var fps = 25;                                       // The desired frames-per-second
var codec = VideoCodec.MPEG4;                       // Which codec to use
var destinationfile = @"d:\myfile.avi";             // Output file
var srcdirectory = @"d:\foo\bar";                   // Directory to scan for images
var pattern = "*.jpg";                              // Files to look for in srcdirectory
var searchoption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly;   // Search Top Directory Only or all subdirectories (recursively)?

using (var writer = new VideoFileWriter())          // Initialize a VideoFileWriter
    writer.Open(destinationfile, size.Width, size.Height, fps, codec);              // Start output of video
    foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(srcdirectory, pattern, searchoption))   // Iterate files
        using (var original = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(file))     // Read bitmap
        using (var resized = new Bitmap(original, size))        // Resize if necessary
            writer.WriteVideoFrame(resized);                    // Write frame
    writer.Close();                                 // Close VideoFileWriter
}                                                   // Dispose VideoFileWriter


using (var original = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(file))     // Read bitmap
using (var resized = new Bitmap(original, size))        // Resize if necessary
    writer.WriteVideoFrame(resized);                    // Write frame


using (var mybitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(file))     // Read bitmap
    writer.WriteVideoFrame(mybitmap);                   // Write frame

还要确保添加正确的 using 语句;对于上述示例,您至少需要以下内容:

using AForge.Video.FFMPEG;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;

此外,您还需要引用 DLL,如 here 中所述。 :

... you should have created a project, added a reference to the AForge.Video.FFMPEG library, set the target platform to x86 and the target framework version to 3.5 or lower now. If so, it can go on.

... we need a few more dlls from the AForge archive. You can find these in the folder “Externals\ffmpeg” inside the AForge archive. All files in this folder have to be copied to the output folder of your Visual Studio project. (After we changed the target architecture this now should be “YourProjectFolder\bin\x86\Debug”.)


关于c# - 如何从图像序列文件创建视频文件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36744334/


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