html - VBA 中的网页抓取,某些 HTML 信息无法引用它

标签 html excel vba web-scraping

我从这个 URL 抓取了这个 VBA 脚本

我想要批处理、序列号和有效期信息,在下图中,HTML 中包含"is"或“否”。



Sub GetInnerInformation(HTMLPage As MSHTML.HTMLDocument)
    Dim HTMLResult As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
    Dim HTMLResults As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim HTMLRow As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
    Dim HTMLCell As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
    Dim RowNum As Long, ColNum As Integer

    Set HTMLResults = HTMLPage.getElementsByClassName("device-attribute")

    For Each HTMLResult In HTMLResults
        If (HTMLResult.innerText Like "*Lot*") = True Then
            Debug.Print HTMLResult.innerText, HTMLResult.outerText, HTMLResult.innerHTML
        End If
    Next HTMLResult

End Sub


Lot or Batch Number:        Lot or Batch Number:        Lot or Batch Number:

因此没有提及 HTML 中的"is"或“否”。


HTML 解析器:

你可以使用CSS attribute = value selector使用 [?] 定位位于感兴趣的 div 之前的 span。然后使用 parentElement 爬到共享父级,并使用 NextSibling 移动到感兴趣的 div。然后,您可以使用 getElementsByTagName 获取 labels 节点,并循环该 nodeList 以写出所需的信息。要获取与标签关联的值,您再次需要使用 NextSibling 来处理父级 div 中的 br 子级。

我使用 xmlhttp 发出请求,这比打开浏览器更快。

Option Explicit   
Public Sub WriteOutYesNos()
    Dim html As MSHTML.HTMLDocument

    Set html = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim nodes As Object, i As Long

    Set nodes = html.querySelector("[title*='A production identifier (PI) is a variable']").parentElement.NextSibling.getElementsByTagName("LABEL")

    For i = 0 To nodes.Length - 3
        With ActiveSheet
            .Cells(i + 1, 1) = nodes(i).innerText
            .Cells(i + 1, 2) = nodes(i).NextSibling.NodeValue
        End With
End Sub

JSON 解析器:

数据也可以作为 json 提供,这意味着您可以使用 json 解析器来处理。我使用 jsonconverter.bas 作为 json 解析器来处理响应。从 here 下载原始代码并添加到名为 JsonConverter 的标准模块。然后,您需要转到 VBE > 工具 > 引用 > 添加对 Microsoft Scripting Runtime 的引用。从复制的代码中删除顶部的 Attribute 行。

Option Explicit   
Public Sub WriteOutYesNos()
    Dim json As Object, ws As Worksheet, results(), i As Long, s As String

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    results = Array("lotBatch", "serialNumber", "manufacturingDate")

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)
    End With

    With ws
        For i = LBound(results) To UBound(results)
            .Cells(i + 1, 1) = results(i)
            .Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = IIf(json(results(i)), "Yes", "No")
    End With
End Sub

XML 解析器:

结果也以 xml 形式出现,只要您正确处理默认命名空间,您就可以使用 xml 解析器对其进行解析:

Option Explicit
Public Sub WriteOutYesNos()
    Dim xmlDoc As Object, ws As Worksheet, results(), i As Long

    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    results = Array("lotBatch", "serialNumber", "manufacturingDate")

    With xmlDoc
        .validateOnParse = True
        .setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
        .setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:i=''"
        .async = False

        If Not .Load("") Then
            Err.Raise .parseError.ErrorCode, , .parseError.reason
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End With

    With ws
        For i = LBound(results) To UBound(results)
            .Cells(i + 1, 1) = results(i)
            .Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = IIf(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//i:" & results(i)).Text, "Yes", "No")
    End With
End Sub

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