c# - 是什么让 ValueTuple 具有协变性?

标签 c# covariance valuetuple

这可以在 C# 7.3(框架 4.8)中正确编译:

(string, string) s = ("a", "b");
(object, string) o = s;


ValueTuple<string, string> s = new ValueTuple<string, string>("a", "b");
ValueTuple<object, string> o = s;

所以,看起来 ValueTuples 可以被分配 covariantly这太棒了!

不幸的是,我不明白为什么:我的印象是 C# only supported covariance on interfaces and delegatesValueType 两者都不是。


struct MyValueTuple<A, B>
    public A Item1;
    public B Item2;

    public MyValueTuple(A item1, B item2)
        Item1 = item1;
        Item2 = item2;


MyValueTuple<string, string> s = new MyValueTuple<string, string>("a", "b");
MyValueTuple<object, string> o = s;
// ^ Cannot implicitly convert type 'MyValueTuple<string, string>' to 'MyValueTuple<object, string>'

那么,为什么 ValueTuple 可以协变赋值,而 MyValueTuple 却不能?


我相信这里实际发生的是解构赋值。元组分配将尝试隐式转换其组件,并且由于可以将 string 分配给 object,这就是这里发生的情况。

The language supports assignment between tuple types that have the same number of elements, where each right-hand side element can be implicitly converted to its corresponding left-hand side element. Other conversions aren't considered for assignments.


See it on sharplab.io

关于c# - 是什么让 ValueTuple 具有协变性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59411397/


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