vba - 如何从 ActiveCell 分配范围以供将来引用 (VBA)

标签 vba excel

我正在尝试将 ActiveCell 分配给一个变量以便稍后使用它。它给了我一个超时错误。


Sub findCells()
Dim topCell As Integer
Dim left_Cell As Integer

Set refCell = Range(ActiveCell)

topCell = ActiveCell.Value
MsgBox topCell
leftCell = ActiveCell.Value
MsgBox leftCell

End Sub


也许您可以使用类似下面的代码。 最好远离 SelectActiveCell,并尝试尽可能使用合格的 Range

Option Explicit

Sub findCells()

Dim topCell As Long
Dim leftCell As Long
Dim refCell As Range

Set refCell = ActiveCell

topCell = refCell.End(xlUp).Value ' <-- gets the value of the top cell
topCell = refCell.End(xlUp).Row ' <-- gets the row number of the top cell
MsgBox topCell

leftCell = refCell.End(xlToLeft).Value ' <-- gets the value of the column to the left
leftCell = refCell.End(xlToLeft).Column ' <-- gets the column number of the column to the left    
MsgBox leftCell

End Sub

关于vba - 如何从 ActiveCell 分配范围以供将来引用 (VBA),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42210839/


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