Excel VBA Dim 声明难题

标签 excel vba

我希望用户打开他们选择的文件来执行操作。我将变量 File_path 指定为 Variant,因为我不知道它的类型是什么。我在代码中包含 Debug.Print TypeName(File_path) 来看看它给了我什么。我的代码是这样的:

 Dim File_path As Variant

 FilterType = "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt," & "Comma Separated Files (*.csv),*.csv," & "ASCII Files (*.asc),*.asc," & "All Files (*.*),*.*"

                FilterIndex = 4

            Title = "File to be Selected"

            File_path = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:=FilterType, FilterIndex:=FilterIndex, Title:=Title)

                If File_path = False Then

                    MsgBox "No file was selected."

                Exit Sub

                End If

           Debug.Print TypeName(File_path)

Debug.Print 给我字符串。


 Dim File_path As String


 If File_path = False Then




'1st option
if File_path = "" then

'2nd option- recommended
if Len(File_path) = 0 then

在这两种情况下,请将变量 File_path 保留为 String

关于Excel VBA Dim 声明难题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20405993/


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