javascript - 检查值是否在 ng-repeat 内 ng-if 的数组中

标签 javascript angularjs

我有一个 ng-repeat 循环遍历从 API 检索的 Wine 列表。我还有一个数组变量,其中包含已添加到从数据库获取的收藏夹中的所有 Wine ID。如果用户尚未从列表中添加特定的结果酒,我希望能够显示“添加到收藏夹”按钮。为此,我想我会这样做:


<tr ng-repeat="wine in wines">
    <td>{{ wine.Name }}</td>
    <td>{{ wine.Appellation.Name }}</td>
    <td>${{ wine.PriceMin }} - ${{ wine.PriceMax }}</td>
        <!-- If wine.Id is not yet in the array of all favorite ids, display "Add Button" -->
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-dark" ng-click="addToFavorites(wine.Id)" ng-if="favorites.indexOf(wine.Id) !> -1"> Add </a>
        <!-- Else Display Already Added -->
        <span ng-if="favorites.indexOf(wine.Id) > -1">Added</span>

这是我的 JS:

app.controller("MainController", function($scope, $http){
    $scope.favorites = [];
    var getAllFavorites = function(){
        $http.get("/home/getAllFavoriteIds").success(function(response) {
            angular.forEach(response, function(r) {

我是 .indexOf() 的新手,所以我想这可能就是问题所在。但也许我错了。


您可以使用angular-filter's contains filter :

<span ng-if="favorites | contains:wine.Id">Added</span>


angular.module('module').filter('contains', function() {
  return function (array, needle) {
    return array.indexOf(needle) >= 0;

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