vba - 使用单元格值作为

标签 vba excel

我尝试使用单元格 F2 中的值作为较大数字范围内的范围选择的最大值。


Option Explicit

Sub SelectByValue(Rng1 As Range, MinimunValue As Double, MaximumValue As Double)

    Dim MyRange As Range
    Dim Cell As Object

     'Check every cell in the range for matching criteria.
    For Each Cell In Rng1
        If Cell.Value >= MinimunValue And Cell.Value <= MaximumValue Then
            If MyRange Is Nothing Then
                Set MyRange = Range(Cell.Address)
                Set MyRange = Union(MyRange, Range(Cell.Address))
            End If
        End If
     'Select the new range of only matching criteria

End Sub

Sub CallSelectByValue()

     'Call the macro and pass all the required variables to it.
     'In the line below, change the Range, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value as needed
    Call SelectByValue(Range("A2:A41"), 1, Range(F2).Value)

End Sub



Call SelectByValue(Range("A2:A41"), 1, Range(F2).Value)


Call SelectByValue(Range("A2:A41"), 1, Range("F2").Value)

关于vba - 使用单元格值作为,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30928097/


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