amazon-web-services - YAML_FILE_ERROR 消息 : Wrong number of container tags, 应为 1

标签 amazon-web-services aws-codebuild

我是 AWS CodePipeline 新手,在 AWS CodeBuild 上遇到此错误

“YAML_FILE_ERROR 消息:容器标签数量错误,应为 1”

我已经为 aspnet core 2.1 项目设置了带有 CodeBuild 和 CloudFormation 的 AWS CodePipeline。这是我的 buildspec.yml

  "name": "Utility",
  "source": {
    "type": "S3",
     "location": "<location>/"
    "artifacts": {
    "type": "S3",
    "location": "<location>",
    "packaging": "ZIP",
    "name": ""
  "environment": {
  "type": "LINUX_CONTAINER",
  "image": "aws/codebuild/dot-net:core-2.1",
  "computeType": "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL"
 "serviceRole": "<value>",
 "encryptionKey": "<value>"


当我省略 yml 中的第一个“版本”行时,这发生在我身上:

version: 0.2

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