mobile - Google Sheets 自定义函数在移动应用程序中永远显示 "Loading..."

标签 mobile google-apps-script google-sheets custom-function

我在 Apps 脚本中为 Google 表格编写了一个自定义函数。目标是拥有一张自动计算谁欠谁多少钱的表格(例如分摊账单)。


enter image description here

第一个帐单(餐厅)将分摊给所有 5 个帐单,第二个帐单将分摊给除 Peter 之外的所有 5 个帐单,因为 B3 中没有 0。

我的 Apps 脚本函数的输入将是单元格 B1 到 F3(因此,值和名称)。该函数运行良好 - 它计算出正确的结果。我通过浏览器 ( 和我的手机应用程序 (Google Sheets) 打开该电子表格。但是,在我的手机上,经常会出现结果单元格(公式为 =calc_debt(B1:F3))仅显示 “正在加载...”。有什么问题吗?


function calc_debt(input) {
  var credit = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; // credit[0] = Peter, credit[1] = Mark ...
  for (var i = 1; i < input.length; i++) { // starting at i = 1 to skip the first row, which is the names!
    // first: calculate how much everybody has to pay
    var sum = 0;
    var people = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j <= 4; j++) {
      if (input[i][j] !== "") {
        sum += input[i][j];
        people += 1;
    var avg_payment = sum / people;
    // second: calculate who has payed too much or too little
    for (var j = 0; j <= 4; j++) {
      if (input[i][j] !== "") {
        credit[j] += input[i][j] - avg_payment;

  // this function is needed later
  function test_zero (value) {
    return value < 0.00001;

  var res = ""; // this variable will contain the result string, something like "Peter to Mark: 13,8 | Katy to ..."

  while (!credit.every(test_zero)) {
    var lowest = credit.indexOf(Math.min.apply(null, credit)); // find the person with the lowest credit balance (will be minus!)
    var highest = credit.indexOf(Math.max.apply(null, credit)); // find the person with the highest credit balance (will be plus!)
    var exchange = Math.min(Math.abs(credit[lowest]), Math.abs(credit[highest])); // find out by how much we can equalize these two against each other
    credit[lowest] += exchange;
    credit[highest] -= exchange;
    res += input[0][lowest] + " to " + input[0][highest] + ": " + exchange.toFixed(2) + "  |  "; // input[0] = the row with the names.
  return res;


我在 Android 应用程序中遇到了类似的问题,加载自定义公式有时只显示“正在加载...”,而在网络中它总是工作正常。我找到了在 Android 应用程序中加载公式的解决方法:






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