c# - 调整 WriteableBitmap 的大小

标签 c# wpf writeablebitmap

我创建了一个 Gray16 格式的 WriteableBitmap。我想将此 WriteableBitmap 调整为我已知的尺寸,保留像素格式(Gray16)。

有人致力于调整 WriteableBitmap 的大小吗?请帮我。




您可以使用以下函数来调整 writableBitmap 的大小:

WriteableBitmap resize_image(WriteableBitmap img, double scale)
    BitmapSource source = img;

    var s = new ScaleTransform(scale, scale);

    var res = new TransformedBitmap(img, s);

    return convert_BitmapSource_to_WriteableBitmap(res);

WriteableBitmap convert_BitmapSource_to_WriteableBitmap(BitmapSource source)
    // Calculate stride of source
    int stride = source.PixelWidth * (source.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8);

    // Create data array to hold source pixel data
    byte[] data = new byte[stride * source.PixelHeight];

    // Copy source image pixels to the data array
    source.CopyPixels(data, stride, 0);

    // Create WriteableBitmap to copy the pixel data to.      
    WriteableBitmap target = new WriteableBitmap(source.PixelWidth
        , source.PixelHeight, source.DpiX, source.DpiY
        , source.Format, null);

    // Write the pixel data to the WriteableBitmap.
    target.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0
        , source.PixelWidth, source.PixelHeight)
        , data, stride, 0);

    return target;

关于c# - 调整 WriteableBitmap 的大小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300986/


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