google-analytics - Google 广告规划师的受众特征信息从何而来?

标签 google-analytics adsense privacy

Google 广告规划师会显示一些网站访问者的人口统计数据,例如访问者的性别。

看看Stack Overflow's Google Ad Planner .

作为一名网络开发人员,我担心我们会将这些数据泄露给 Google。这与我们使用 Google Analytics 有关系还是无关?

我们可以采取什么措施来阻止 Google 获取此类数据?



Google Ad Planner combines information from a variety of sources, such as aggregated Google search data, opt-in anonymous Google Analytics data, opt-in external consumer panel data, and other third-party market research. The data is aggregated over millions of users and powered by computer algorithms; it doesn't contain personally-identifiable information.

In addition, Google Ad Planner only shows results for sites that receive a significant amount of traffic, and enforces minimum thresholds for inclusion in the tool. For more information about how Google protects privacy, please refer to our privacy policy.

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