android - R 和 android.R 类之间的区别

标签 android


谁能从这个问题中解释一下; “R”之间的区别是什么




* Some people has down voted this question. I need to ask them the reason. If you answered the duplicate question & then down voted me it would have made sense. Neither answered my question nor the duplicate one!!! I mean whats the point of down voting some one without even helping? isn't this site supposed to be for help for programmers!! Weird!! **


R.layout.*,*,实际上任何没有 android.R.something - 前面的部分它指的是资源文件夹中的某些资源,例如drawables, strings, layouts, ids of widgets 等。android.R.* 是指随您的 SDK 一起提供的标准 android 项目

关于android - R 和 android.R 类之间的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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