vba - 从函数返回数组时类型不匹配

标签 vba excel

我正在尝试创建一个函数,用于在 subs 中使用,该函数创建一个月中实际天数的数组。我无法直接使用立即窗口或使用子窗口来运行该函数。该函数的代码如下(Debug.Print 实例被删除,因为它们甚至从未触发):

Function GenererDager(ByVal month As Integer, ByVal year As Integer) As Integer

    Dim dateFormat As String, daysArr() As Integer, actualDays As Integer

    actualDays = 1

    ' Find the number of actual days in given month
    For dayCheck = 1 To 31

        dateFormat = month & "/" & dayCheck & "/" & year ' mm/dd/yyyy format

        If IsDate(dateFormat) Then

            actualDays = actualDays + 1


            Exit For

        End If

    Next dayCheck

    ' Redimension the array with the actual number of days in the month
    ReDim daysArr(actualDays)

    ' Populate the array with the correct number of days
    For daysToArray = 1 To actualDays

        daysArr(daysToArray) = daysToArray

    Next daysToArray

    GenererDager = daysArr

End Function

使用立即窗口和 GenerDager(2, 2017) 运行该函数会产生以下错误消息:编译错误:预期:=

使用立即窗口与 ?GenererDager(2, 2017) 运行该函数会产生以下错误消息:编译器错误:类型不匹配 与 daysArr 的最后一次使用已选择


Sub HentDager()

    Dim daysArray() As Integer

    daysArray = GenererDager(2, 2017)

    Debug.Print daysArray(4)

End Sub

在立即窗口中使用 HentDager() 调用此子程序会产生以下错误:编译错误:预期:=



您必须将对象和函数声明为 Variant 才能传递数组。


  • actualDays =actualDays - 1因为您返回的第一个值不是日期!
  • ReDim daysArr(1 ToactualDays) 以避免数组的第一个索引为空值,
    这本来是 daysArr(0)


Function GenererDager(ByVal month As Integer, ByVal year As Integer) As Variant
    Dim dateFormat As String, daysArr() As Variant, actualDays As Integer, dayCheck As Integer, daysToArray As Integer
    actualDays = 1

    ' Find the number of actual days in given month
    For dayCheck = 1 To 31
        dateFormat = month & "/" & dayCheck & "/" & year ' mm/dd/yyyy format
        If IsDate(dateFormat) Then
            actualDays = actualDays + 1
            Exit For
        End If
    Next dayCheck
    actualDays = actualDays - 1
    ' Redimension the array with the actual number of days in the month
    ReDim daysArr(1 To actualDays)

    ' Populate the array with the correct number of days
    For daysToArray = 1 To actualDays
        daysArr(daysToArray) = daysToArray
    Next daysToArray

    GenererDager = daysArr
End Function


Sub HentDager()
    Dim daysArray() As Variant
    daysArray = GenererDager(2, 2017)
    'Display last day of the month in the immediate window
    Debug.Print daysArray(UBound(daysArray))
End Sub


Sub TestIntSub()

    Dim TestInt() As Integer
    TestInt = FctIntArr

    Debug.Print TestInt(1) & "|" & TestInt(2)

End Sub

Public Function FctIntArr() As Integer()
    Dim IntArr() As Integer
    ReDim IntArr(1 To 2)
    IntArr(1) = 545
    IntArr(2) = 232

    FctIntArr = IntArr
End Function

关于vba - 从函数返回数组时类型不匹配,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42203557/


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