WordPress wp_editor 不会添加图像

标签 wordpress


<?php wp_editor( stripslashes($arr['item-content']), $key.'-item-content', array(
    'editor_class' => 'tsort-contarea',
    'media_buttons' => true,
    'editor_height' => 360,

) ); ?>

添加图像时,wp-includes/js/media-editor.js 内标记为 send-attachment-to-editor 的 XHR 请求有一个 wp.​​media.view.settings.post.id 为 0。此外,wp.media.view.settings.nonce.sendToEditor 始终为以下值:e8b2eea867

return wp.media.post( 'send-attachment-to-editor', {
                nonce:      wp.media.view.settings.nonce.sendToEditor,
                attachment: options,
                html:       html,
                post_id:    wp.media.view.settings.post.id

xhr 请求正常触发,但不会添加任何所见即所得。我确信这是因为 post_id 未设置或者随机数不唯一。我该怎么做才能使这项工作成功?媒体管理器在内容页面上运行得非常好。



来自Codex :

Note that the ID that is passed to the wp_editor() function can only be composed of lower-case letters. No underscores, no hyphens. Anything else will cause the WYSIWYG editor to malfunction. (As of 3.6.1 you can use underscores in the ID.)


关于WordPress wp_editor 不会添加图像,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28484058/


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