Highcharts 工具提示始终位于光标右侧

标签 highcharts




tooltip positioner我只能设置默认位置。



Highchart/stock allows you to define your alternate positioner如下

    positioner:function(boxWidth, boxHeight, point){

请注意,您可以使用三个参数(boxWidth、boxHeight、point),这些似乎足以满足大多数用例来计算所需的工具提示位置。 boxWidth 和 boxHeight 是工具提示所需的宽度和高度,因此您可以将它们用于边缘情况来调整工具提示并防止其溢出图表,甚至更糟的是被剪切。

highstock 自带的默认工具提示定位器如下 ( Source )

 * Place the tooltip in a chart without spilling over
 * and not covering the point it self.
getPosition: function (boxWidth, boxHeight, point) {

    // Set up the variables
    var chart = this.chart,
        plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
        plotTop = chart.plotTop,
        plotWidth = chart.plotWidth,
        plotHeight = chart.plotHeight,
        distance = pick(this.options.distance, 12), // You can use a number directly here, as you may not be able to use pick, as its an internal highchart function 
        pointX = point.plotX,
        pointY = point.plotY,
        x = pointX + plotLeft + (chart.inverted ? distance : -boxWidth - distance),
        y = pointY - boxHeight + plotTop + 15, // 15 means the point is 15 pixels up from the bottom of the tooltip

    // It is too far to the left, adjust it
    if (x < 7) {
        x = plotLeft + pointX + distance;

    // Test to see if the tooltip is too far to the right,
    // if it is, move it back to be inside and then up to not cover the point.
    if ((x + boxWidth) > (plotLeft + plotWidth)) {
        x -= (x + boxWidth) - (plotLeft + plotWidth);
        y = pointY - boxHeight + plotTop - distance;
        alignedRight = true;

    // If it is now above the plot area, align it to the top of the plot area
    if (y < plotTop + 5) {
        y = plotTop + 5;

        // If the tooltip is still covering the point, move it below instead
        if (alignedRight && pointY >= y && pointY <= (y + boxHeight)) {
            y = pointY + plotTop + distance; // below

    // Now if the tooltip is below the chart, move it up. It's better to cover the
    // point than to disappear outside the chart. #834.
    if (y + boxHeight > plotTop + plotHeight) {
        y = mathMax(plotTop, plotTop + plotHeight - boxHeight - distance); // below

    return {x: x, y: y};

根据上述所有信息,我认为您有足够的工具来实现您的要求,只需修改函数以使 float 到右侧而不是默认的左侧。

我会继续给你 simplest implementation of positioning tooltip to right ,您应该能够根据后面提到的默认工具提示定位器的代码来实现边缘情况

tooltip: {
    positioner: function(boxWidth, boxHeight, point) {         
        return {x:point.plotX + 20,y:point.plotY};         

了解更多@ Customizing Highcharts - Tooltip positioning

关于Highcharts 工具提示始终位于光标右侧,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11966286/


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