angularjs - 在 Angular 应用程序中使用 PushState() 更改浏览器 URL 时出现错误

标签 angularjs pushstate

当在 angularJs 应用程序中打开引导模式时,我需要更改浏览器 URL,我使用了 pushState() 函数,URL 已更改,但它引发以下错误:

Uncaught Error: [$rootScope: infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached.Aborting!
    Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [
        ["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 8; oldVal: 7"],
        ["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 9; oldVal: 8"],
        ["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 10; oldVal: 9"],
        ["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 11; oldVal: 10"],
        ["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 12; oldVal: 11"]
    http: //$rootScope/infdig?p0=10&p1=%5B%5B%22fn%3…2fn%3A%20%24locationWatch%3B%20newVal%3A%2012%3B%20oldVal%3A%2011%22%5D%5D angular-1.2.13.js:78
    (anonymous function) angular-1.2.13.js:78
    Scope.$digest angular-1.2.13.js:11937
    (anonymous function) angular-1.2.13.js:12084
    completeOutstandingRequest angular-1.2.13.js:4144
    (anonymous function)


这是 Angular 中 $location 服务的一个错误。它刚刚在 2014 年 8 月 27 日的最新版本 Angular 1.3.0-beta.20 中修复。请参阅问题 3924和重复的 6976 ,这已归功于修复。

临时修复的文档由 angular-ui 团队制作:

The problem is caused because Angular isn't synchronously notified of changes to the browser's url, and trusts its cached version of the url inside $browser.url() . Since $browser.url() as a getter is idempotent, it keeps returning the true url without updating its internal record of what the url is.

To verify that this is true, add this line in the provided test just after the window.history.replaceState line, and the test will pass: angular.element($window).triggerHandler('popstate');

This issue could be easily fixed with one line inside of $browser , by resetting lastBrowserUrl inside the url getter: lastBrowserUrl = newLocation || location.href.replace(/%27/g,"'"); But this could cause unwanted side effects.

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