angularjs - Angular 绑定(bind)无法与 ngInfiniteScroll 正常工作

标签 angularjs firebase nginfinitescroll

基本上,我有一个包含 $firebaseArray 帖子的时间线,并且对此数组的任何更改都会正确绑定(bind)。但是,当我想绑定(bind)任何其他数据时,它仅在 ngInfiniteScroll 尝试从 firebase 检索更多数据时绑定(bind),因此仅当我向下滚动时才绑定(bind)。

在下面的代码中,我调用 {{getMoreDetails()}} 并且当使用 ngInfiniteScroll 检索第一组数据时绑定(bind)此数据,但一旦加载绑定(bind)就会绑定(bind)中断并仅在滚动时再次绑定(bind)。


  • ngInfiniteScroll 是设计成这样工作的吗?
  • 这种情况下有解决办法吗?


"firebase": "2.4.2","angularfire": "~1.2.0","firebase-util": "0.2.5","ngInfiniteScroll": "1.2.2"


<div ng-controller="TimelineController">
    <section class="entrys main-content" infinite-scroll="" infinite-scroll-distance="0.3">
        <div class="inner">
            <div ng-repeat="post in filteredPostsResults = (posts | filter:postIdFilter)">
                <article class="entry">

                    <img ng-if="post.sourceType=='IMAGE'" data-ng-src="{{getPostData(post)}}"/>

                    <div class="entry-info">
                        <h3><div ng-bind-html="post.description | emoticons"></div></h3>
                        <small>posted on <time>{{getDateInFormat(post.createdAt)}}</time></small>



(function (angular) {
      "use strict";

        var timeline = angular.module('myApp.user.timeline', ['firebase', 'firebase.utils', 'firebase.auth', 'ngRoute', 'myApp.user.timelineService']);

        timeline.controller('TimelineController', [ '$scope', '$routeParams', 'TimelineService', '$publisherServices', '$securityProperties', function ($scope, $routeParams, TimelineService, $publisherServices, $securityProperties) {

            if (!$scope.posts){
                $scope.posts = TimelineService.getPosts($routeParams.userId);
            $scope.posts.$loaded(function(result) {
                $scope.isPostsLoaded = true;

            $scope.getMoreDetails = function() {
                console.log("LOGGED ONLY WHEN SCROLLING");
                return $publisherServices.getDetails();

            $scope.getPostData = function(post) {
                if (!post.dataUrl){
                    post.dataUrl = $publisherServices.getAwsFileUrl(post.fileName);
                return post.dataUrl;

            $scope.postIdFilter = function(post) {
                if ($routeParams.postId){
                    if (post.$id == $routeParams.postId) return post;
                } else { return post; }

            $scope.getDateInFormat = function(timestamp){
                var date = new Date();
                return date;




 (function (angular) {
      "use strict";

    var timelineService = angular.module('myApp.user.timelineService', []);

    timelineService.service('TimelineService', ['$routeParams', 'FBURL', '$firebaseArray', function ($routeParams, FBURL, $firebaseArray) {
        var posts;
        var currentUserIdPosts;
        var postsRef;

        var self = {
          getPosts: function(userId){
            if (!posts || userId != currentUserIdPosts){
              currentUserIdPosts = userId;
              postsRef = new Firebase(FBURL).child("posts").child(userId);
              var scrollRef = new Firebase.util.Scroll(postsRef, "createdAtDesc");
              posts = $firebaseArray(scrollRef);
              posts.scroll = scrollRef.scroll;
            return posts;

        return self;



我假设您希望在 Firebase 中的数据发生变化时更新帖子详细信息。

当 Firebase 更改应用于您的范围时,它似乎不会触发摘要周期,因此您可能需要在每次从 Firebase 获取更新时手动执行此操作。

查看 $firebaseArray.$extend 中的 $$updated ( see docs )。

// now let's create a synchronized array factory that uses our Widget
app.factory("WidgetFactory", function($firebaseArray, Widget) {
  return $firebaseArray.$extend({

    // override the update behavior to call Widget.update()
    $$updated: function(snap) {
      // we need to return true/false here or $watch listeners will not get triggered
      // luckily, our Widget.prototype.update() method already returns a boolean if
      // anything has changed
      return this.$getRecord(snap.key()).update(snap);


关于angularjs - Angular 绑定(bind)无法与 ngInfiniteScroll 正常工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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