java - 戈戈 : BundleException: An error occurred trying to read the bundle in OSGi with Equinox

标签 java eclipse maven osgi osgi-bundle

我根据this创建OSGI包教程,但是当我尝试使用以下命令安装 bundle 时:

osgi> install file:/<path>/sample01-1.0.0.jar 


 Hello World...!
 osgi> install file:/sample01-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar<br>
 gogo: BundleException: An error occurred trying to read the bundle<br>
 osgi> "

有什么问题吗?这是我的第一个 OSGI 包。


对于 Windows:

osgi> install file:///d://dir1//dir2//file.jar

对于 Linux:

您必须首先检查 jar 文件是否设置了适当的访问权限。

osgi> install file:///home//user//osgi//plugin.jar

关于java - 戈戈 : BundleException: An error occurred trying to read the bundle in OSGi with Equinox,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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