clearcase - Cleartool 查找没有 contrib 文件的合并

标签 clearcase cleartool

您好,我想知道是否有一种方法可以在不创建 .contrib 文件的情况下执行 cleartool findmerge 。合并后必须删除它们很麻烦。


这取决于您的 ClearCase 版本和合并类型,如 detailed in this technote :

The .contrib files are generally used to compare the file's previous contents with its new after-merge version; moreover, these files are view-private and can be removed.

There has been discussion around the ability to allow the end-user to disable/enable the .contrib creation; however, with UCM, since all checkouts involved in deliver or rebase activities are reserved, there is no chance of loss changes as a result of the merge.
The .contrib file, in regards to UCM, does not serve the same purpose, or hold the same significance as with base ClearCase.

Change request (RFE) RATLC00608266, was opened to improve the logic used for leaving .contrib files after a deliver or rebase operation. There is no danger for loss of data as a result of the .contrib not getting created.

This behavior has changed in ClearCase 7.0. where feature level 5 was introduced. When using the native client, contrib files are no longer generated when merges occur during deliver and rebase (the Rational ClearCase Remote Client continues to create and use these files)

因此,使用 CC7.x 以及对于交付/ rebase 类型的合并(即 UCM 合并),您可以避免 contrib 文件。
不适用于 CCRC 或基本 ClearCase 合并(由 cleartool findmerge 使用)。
这就是为什么同一技术说明详细介绍了删除多个 .contrib 的方法。一个命令中的多个文件(如 Windows 的 for /R %i IN (*.contrib) do del %idel /s *.contrib*)。

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