angularjs - 检查 http.get Angular 中执行是否成功

标签 angularjs

$scope.func1 = function() {
    $http.get(url, {params}).success(function(result){
        // code
        // error

$scope.func2 = function() {
    // when http of func1 done executing, call following code

如果 func1 的 http.get 成功执行完毕,如何在 func2 中检查?


通过正确使用 Promise,您可以链接多个 Promise:

$scope.func1 = function () {
    return $http.get(url, {/*params*/})
        .then(function (response) { // success is deprecated, use then instead
            // code
            return something;
        .catch(function (error) {   // use catch instead of error
            // error

$scope.func2 = function () {
    $scope.func1().then(function(something) {
        //when http of func1 done executing, call following code

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