ReportLab 段落中的字母间距

标签 reportlab

是否可以在段落样式中设置字母/字符间距? 我尝试使用spaceShrinkage 但这没有任何区别


根据official documentation ,p。 30:

The setCharSpace method adjusts one of the parameters of text -- the inter-character spacing.


def charspace(canvas):
    from reportlab.lib.units import inch
    textobject = canvas.beginText()
    textobject.setTextOrigin(3, 2.5*inch)
    textobject.setFont("Helvetica-Oblique", 10)
    charspace = 0
    for line in lyrics:
        textobject.textLine("%s: %s" %(charspace,line))
        charspace = charspace+0.5

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