javascript - 为什么 Google 的闭包编译器会留下一些不必要的空格或换行符?

标签 javascript google-closure google-closure-compiler minify

我注意到每次我使用Google's Closure Compiler Service时,它在页面右侧显示的编译代码中留下了一些不必要的空格。这些对应于已编译代码的托管版本中的换行符。


到目前为止,我只是手动删除它们,但我很好奇它们为什么会在那里。是为了限制托管版本代码的行长度以使其更具可读性吗? 编译器是否足够聪明,可以故意保留或插入这些内容以最大化 GZIP 压缩效果?



引用Closure Compiler FAQ :

Why are there random line feeds in compiled scripts?

The Closure Compiler intentionally adds line breaks every 500 characters or so. Firewalls and proxies sometimes corrupt or ignore large JavaScript files with very long lines. Adding line breaks every 500 characters prevents this problem. Removing the line breaks has no effect on a script's semantics. The impact on code size is small, and the Compiler optimizes line break placement so that the code size penalty is even smaller when files are gzipped.

你知道这很聪明! :)

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