angularjs - 使用 Restangular 取消对服务器的 GET 请求

标签 angularjs caching restangular angular-cache

我创建了一个 UserService,如下所示:

angular.module('nrApp').factory('userService', ['Restangular', 'UserModel', 'DSCacheFactory', function (Restangular, UserModel, DSCacheFactory) {
    // Create a new cache called "profileCache"
    var userCache = DSCacheFactory('userCache', {
        maxAge: 3600000,
        deleteOnExpire: 'aggressive',
        storageMode: 'localStorage', // This cache will sync itself with `localStorage`.
        onExpire: function (key, value) {
            Restangular.oneUrl('users', key).get().then(function(data) {
                userCache.put(key, data);

    Restangular.extendModel('users', function(obj) {
        return UserModel.mixInto(obj);

    Restangular.addRequestInterceptor(function(element, operation, what, url) {
        if(operation === 'get') {
            //Check the cache to see if the resource is already cached
            var data = userCache.get(url);
            //If cache object does exist, return it
            if(data !== undefined) {
                angular.extend(element, data);

            return element;

    Restangular.addResponseInterceptor(function(data, operation, what, url, response) {
        //Cache the response from a get method
        if(operation === 'get') {
            userCache.put(url, data);

        //Unvalidate the cache when a 'put', 'post' and 'delete' is performed to update the cached version.
        if (operation === 'put' || operation === 'post' || operation === 'delete') {

        return response;

    return Restangular.service('users');

从评论中可以看出,我想要实现的目标是,每当使用 Restangular 通过此服务执行 Get 请求时,都会检查本地缓存,如果缓存返回一个对象,则将其扩展到 Restangular 元素中。想要实现的流程是,当找到该请求的缓存对象时,取消对服务器的请求。

但是,如果运气不好,即使在缓存中找到了该对象,addResponseInterceptor 方法仍然会执行。


谢谢! :)


一种方法是通过 httpConfig 取消它。 Restangular 为您提供 httpConfig 对象作为 addFullRequestInterceptor 中的参数方法。您可以像下面这样使用它:

RestangularProvider.addFullRequestInterceptor(function(element, operation, what, url, headers, params, httpConfig ) {
    if found in cache {
        var defer = $q.defer();
        httpConfig.timeOut = defer.promise;


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