java - 如何在 cucumber-jvm 步骤之间传递变量

标签 java cucumber cucumber-jvm



Feature: Demo

  Scenario: Create user
    Given User creation form management
    When Create user with name "TEST"
    Then User is created successfully


public class CreateUserSteps {

   private String userName;

   @Given("^User creation form management$")
   public void User_creation_form_management() throws Throwable {
      // ...

   @When("^Create user with name \"([^\"]*)\"$")
   public void Create_user_with_name(String userName) throws Throwable {
      this.userName = userName;

   @Then("^User is created successfully$")
   public void User_is_created_successfully() throws Throwable {
      // Assert if exists an user with name equals to this.userName


Then User with name "TEST" is created successfully


为了在步骤之间共享共同点,您需要使用 World .在 Java 中,它不像在 Ruby 中那样清晰。

引用 Cucumber 的创建者。

The purpose of a "World" is twofold:

  1. Isolate state between scenarios.

  2. Share data between step definitions and hooks within a scenario.

How this is implemented is language specific. For example, in ruby, the implicit self variable inside a step definition points to the current scenario's World object. This is by default an instance of Object, but it can be anything you want if you use the World hook.

In Java, you have many (possibly connected) World objects.

The equivalent of the World in Cucumber-Java is all of the objects with hook or stepdef annotations. In other words, any class with methods annotated with @Before, @After, @Given and so on will be instantiated exactly once for each scenario.

This achieves the first goal. To achieve the second goal you have two approaches:

a) Use a single class for all of your step definitions and hooks

b) Use several classes divided by responsibility [1] and use dependency injection [2] to connect them to each other.

Option a) quickly breaks down because your step definition code becomes a mess. That's why people tend to use b).


[2] PicoContainer, Spring, Guice, Weld, OpenEJB, Needle


  • cucumber 微型容器
  • cucumber 酱
  • cucumber -openejb
  • cucumber 春
  • cucumber 焊缝
  • cucumber 针

原帖在这里!topic/cukes/8ugcVreXP0Y .


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