sql-server - 如果一列或多列包含非空值,返回 Y/N 的最有效方法是什么?

标签 sql-server null

如果一行中的 n 列之一包含非空值,返回 CHAR(1) 指示符 Y/N 的最简洁方法是什么?



SELECT      CASE WHEN (C.TerminatedDate IS NULL
                       AND C.SelfClosedDate IS NULL
                       AND ...)
                 THEN 'Y'
                 ELSE 'N' END AS 'OpenInd'

  FROM      Customers C

好奇是否有更好的方法;了解 COALESCE():

SELECT      CASE WHEN COALESCE (C.TerminatedDate, C.SelfClosedDate, ...) IS NULL
                 THEN 'Y'
                 ELSE 'N' END AS 'OpenInd'

  FROM      Customers C


数据库服务器是SQL Server 2008。



对于相同的数据类型,直接 COALESCE 是最好的

coalesce(a,b,c,d) is not null

如果您要处理不同的数据类型,请尝试修改后的 COALESCE

coalesce(LEFT(a,1),LEFT(b,1),LEFT(c,1)) is not null


create table abc (a int, b datetime, c varchar(max), d image)
insert into abc select 1, GETDATE(), '', null
insert into abc select 1, null, '', null
insert into abc select 1, null, '', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, null, '', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, GETDATE(), '', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, null, null, null
insert into abc select 88, GETDATE()+3, null, null
insert into abc select 88, GETDATE()+3, 'gdasdf', null
insert into abc select null, null, '222', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, null, 'abcdef', 0x123123

select *, case when coalesce(LEFT(a,1),LEFT(b,1),LEFT(c,1)) is not null then 'N' else 'Y' end
from abc

如果您不使用 VARCHAR(MAX) 或 IMAGE 等外来类型,则可以将 SQL_VARIANT 与 COALESCE 结合使用

create table abc (a int, b datetime, c varchar(10), d image)
insert into abc select 1, GETDATE(), '', null
insert into abc select 1, null, '', null
insert into abc select 1, null, '', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, null, '', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, GETDATE(), '', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, null, null, null
insert into abc select 88, GETDATE()+3, null, null
insert into abc select 88, GETDATE()+3, 'gdasdf', null
insert into abc select null, null, '222', 0x123123
insert into abc select null, null, 'abcdef', 0x123123

select *, case when coalesce(convert(sql_variant,a),b,c) is not null then 'N' else 'Y' end
from abc

关于sql-server - 如果一列或多列包含非空值,返回 Y/N 的最有效方法是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5236372/


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