unit-testing - MOQ 和 AutoFixture 之间有什么区别?

标签 unit-testing mocking moq autofixture automocking

我有相当多的使用 MOQ 的经验,而我最近偶然发现了 AutoFixture。这些框架之间有什么区别?



AutoFixture uses Reflection to create 'well-behaved' instances of public types. It auto-generates instances of other types if necessary to fill in arguments for a constructor, and also assigns values to public writable properties. In essence, it simply uses the requested type's public API to instantiate and populate it. It doesn't do anything that you, as a developer, couldn't do manually - it just does it for you automatically.

In contrast, most Dynamic Mock libraries derive from known types to override the behavior of virtual members. Their purpose is to perform Behavior Verification of the System Under Test (SUT).

您可以combine AutoFixture with Moq to turn it into an automocking container .

关于unit-testing - MOQ 和 AutoFixture 之间有什么区别?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5786628/


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