cocoa-touch - 自动布局和 iOS7,以编程方式添加的 UIImageView 不会出现 - 似乎与线程相关

标签 cocoa-touch ios7 uiimageview constraints autolayout

我有一个充满 UIImages 的数组。我将每个图像加载到 UIImageView 中,然后将 UIImageView 添加到 UIView 中,完成后,UIView 将添加到显示屏上的 UIView 中。

问题出在 iOS7 中,当我将带有 UIImageViews 的 UIView 添加到其他 UIView 时,它们不会出现在屏幕上(在 iOS6 中一切正常)。如果我按下主页按钮,然后返回应用程序,图像就在那里!

我知道这听起来有点奇怪,因为我可以从进程中删除 UIView,但这是有原因的。我不将 UIImages 作为 UIImageViews 存储在数组中也是有原因的。

UIView *layerViewToAdd = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:presentationDisplay.frame];

for(UIImage tempImage in currentImages)
        UIImageView *tempImageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:presentationDisplay.frame];
        [tempImageView setImage:tempImage];
        [layerViewToAdd addSubview:tempImageView];

[presentationDisplay addSubview:layerViewToAdd];

我尝试使用 [presentation setNeedsDisplay] 和 [presentationDisplay setNeedsLayout] 强制屏幕重绘,但不起作用。我认为问题与自动布局/约束有关,但不确定。


好的,我已经隔离了代码,它似乎与线程相关。看下面的代码,我在后台调用 redrawLayersInBackground 这是上面的 FOR 循环,然后我在主线程上调用 PresentLayersInView,它添加了已经显示的 View (上面的最后一行或多或少) - 抱歉我我知道我删掉了很多代码,但它的作用远不止于此(吸取的教训)。这在 iOS6 中工作正常,但在 iOS7 中不行,如果我取出所有调度位,它在两者中都工作正常。


backgoundQueue = dispatch_queue_create("createlayers", 0);

dispatch_async(backgoundQueue, ^{

    UIView *layerViewToAdd = [self redrawLayersInBackground];

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        [self presentLayersInView:layerViewToAdd];





它将 View 的图层存储在一个数组中,并且在再次下载之前进行一些比较和测试,看看我们是否已经拥有该图层。下来的图像很大,这就是为什么我遇到这么多麻烦!

-(UIView *)redrawLayersInBackground
    int layerCount = 0;

    // This is the view which will contain all the new layers
    UIView *layerViewToAdd = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:presentationDisplay.frame];

    // Take a copy of all the layers then clear then, the copy will be used as a cache to build a new set of layers
    NSArray *tempLayerNames = [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:layerNames];
    NSArray *tempLayerImages = [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:layerImages];

    [layerNames removeAllObjects];
    [layerImages removeAllObjects];

    // This for is just to loop through all items, the dictionary is not used
    for (NSDictionary *enforceLoop in currentSetupInfo[@"layers"])

        NSString *layerName =currentSetupInfo[@"layers"][[NSString stringWithFormat:@"layer%i", layerCount]];

        BOOL isFound = NO;
        UIImage *tempImage;
        UIImageView *tempImageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:presentationDisplay.frame];

        int newLayerCount = 0;

        // Start a search for the layer in the list of old layers
        for (NSString *obj in tempLayerNames)
            if([obj isEqualToString:layerName])
                // NSLog(@"Found Layer : %@", layerName);

                [layerNames addObject:obj];
                tempImage = [tempLayerImages objectAtIndex:newLayerCount];
                [layerImages addObject:tempImage];

                isFound = YES;
            // This layer is already visiable ont he screen, do not fade it in
            tempImageView.alpha = 1.0;

        if (!isFound)
            // NSLog(@"Downloading Layer : %@", layerName);

//            NSURL *layerURL = [NSURL URLWithString:layerName];

//            tempImage = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:layerURL]];

            tempImage = [self imageFromURLInString:layerName];

            [layerNames addObject:layerName];
            if(tempImage == nil)
                NSLog(@"Error - Image not fonud on server..........................................................");
                NSLog(@"Error - URL : %@", layerName);
                [layerImages addObject:[[UIImage alloc]init]];
//                tempImageView.image = tempImage;
                [layerImages addObject:tempImage];

            // Set this layer Alpha to zero, this way we can fade it in
            tempImageView.alpha = 1.0;

        // NSLog(@"Image Layer : %i", layerCount);

        [tempImageView setImage:tempImage];

        [layerViewToAdd setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES];
        [layerViewToAdd addSubview:tempImageView];



        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

            NSNumber *tempPercentage = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: (float) (layerCount) / [currentSetupInfo[@"layers"] count]];

            [self updateSpinner:tempPercentage];

    return layerViewToAdd;

-(void)presentLayersInView:(UIView *)layerViewToAdd
    layerViewToAdd.alpha = 0.0f;

    [presentationDisplay setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES];
    [presentationDisplay addSubview:layerViewToAdd];

    UIView *layerViewToRemove;

    if(layerViewTag != 0)
        layerViewToRemove = [presentationDisplay viewWithTag:layerViewTag];
        [presentationDisplay sendSubviewToBack:layerViewToRemove];
        // Swap the number used for the TAG (will toggle between 1 and -1)
        layerViewTag = layerViewTag * -1;
        layerViewToAdd.tag = layerViewTag;
        // Fist time setup
        layerViewTag = 1;
        layerViewToAdd.tag = layerViewTag;

    layerViewToRemove.alpha = 0.0;
    layerViewToAdd.alpha = 1.0f;
    presentationDisplay.alpha = 1.0;

    [layerViewToRemove removeFromSuperview];
    [self stopSpinner];



所以layerNames和layerImages都是NSMutableArrays,但是,在代码的早期我已经设法注释掉它们的Alloc Init。

最终结果是,在 iOS6 中工作正常,但在 iOS7 中却出现奇怪的结果。将此部分添加回来,第一次运行良好。


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