amcharts - Amcharts 中轴的组类别

标签 amcharts

amcharts 轴中可以有组吗?

检查 highcharts 中的示例:example



您可以为标签创建一个图表,其中 valueField 始终为零。 您还需要偏移类别轴,以便标签不会相互隐藏。


// each data provider has a label property
dataProvider : 
  [{ ... ,
    "label": 0 
    }, ... ],
// the first graph in each 'cluster' is for the label
"graphs": [    
    "type": "column",
    "fillAlphas": 0, // hide this column
    "lineAlpha": 0, // hide this column
    "title": "my sub group name",
    "valueField": "label", // this is the field that's always zero
    "showAllValueLabels": true, // even though the field is zero - the label will be shown
    "labelText": "\n[[title]]" // start this with a newline so it's below the axis
  }, ... ],
"categoryAxis": {
    "labelOffset": 15

(不是我的 fiddle ,我只是在网上找到的)

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