php - laravel5.3 即时生成下载(.txt)

标签 php download header laravel-5.3 on-the-fly

动态生成下载(在我的例子中是 .txt 文件)的最佳方法是什么?我的意思是之前没有将文件存储在服务器上。为了理解这里是我需要完成的事情:

public function getDesktopDownload(Request $request){

        $txt = "Logs ";

        //offer the content of txt as a download (logs.txt)
        $headers = ['Content-type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Disposition' => sprintf('attachment; filename="test.txt"'), 'Content-Length' => sizeof($txt)];

        return Response::make($txt, 200, $headers);



public function getDownload(Request $request) {
    // prepare content
    $logs = Log::all();
    $content = "Logs \n";
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
      $content .= $logs->id;
      $content .= "\n";

    // file name that will be used in the download
    $fileName = "logs.txt";

    // use headers in order to generate the download
    $headers = [
      'Content-type' => 'text/plain', 
      'Content-Disposition' => sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', $fileName),
      'Content-Length' => sizeof($content)

    // make a response, with the content, a 200 response code and the headers
    return Response::make($content, 200, $headers);

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