symfony - 如何在 Symfony 中同时使用 Assert\File 和 Assert\Image?

标签 symfony sonata-admin


  1. Only allowed to upload image file or PDF file

  2. Max width with Image file is 160px and no requirement with PDF file

我使用了 Symfony 的“约束”,但是当我上传 PDF 文件时,它说

This file is not a valid image.


但是我想要的是当我上传文件时,它会首先检查Assert\File。如果是图像,则会检查 Assert\Image。我该怎么办?


     * @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="ad", fileNameProperty="imageFile")
     * @var File
     * @Assert\File(
     *     mimeTypes = {"application/pdf", "application/x-pdf", "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/svg+xml"},
     *     mimeTypesMessage = "You can only be allowed to upload Image file or PDF file"
     * )
     * @Assert\Image(
     *     maxWidth = 160
     * )
    private $image;



    constraints: [
        new Assert\File(extensions: ['pdf']),
        new Assert\Sequentially(
                new Assert\File(extensions: ['jpg', 'jpeg','png','svg']),
                new Assert\Image(maxWidth: 160)
public UploadedFile $file;

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