.net - wpf 绑定(bind)到索引器

标签 .net wpf xaml data-binding indexer

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=[0]} />

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=[myKey]} />


<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=[{Binding Column.Index}]} />


处理此问题的最快方法通常是使用带有 IMultiValueConverter 的 MultiBinding,该 IMultiValueConverter 接受集合及其绑定(bind)的索引:

    <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource ListIndexToValueConverter}">
        <Binding /> <!-- assuming the collection is the DataContext -->
        <Binding Path="Column.Index"/>


public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    if (values.Length < 2)
        return Binding.DoNothing;

    IList list = values[0] as IList;
    if (list == null || values[1] == null || !(values[1] is int))
        return Binding.DoNothing;

    return list[(int)values[1]];

关于.net - wpf 绑定(bind)到索引器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4511619/


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