angularjs - 为什么 Angular $http 提供 headersGetter 而不仅仅是 headers?

标签 angularjs angular-http

当使用 $http 时,回调函数是通过 headers getter 调用的。这通常会产生以下代码:

$http.get('example.json').success(function(data, status, headersGetter, config) {
  var headers = headersGetter();
  // Do stuff

为什么将 headersGetter 传递给回调而不是仅将 header 作为对象传递?


Why is a headersGetter passed to the callback instead of just the headers as an object?


A getter is a function that returns a representation of the model. It's sometimes useful to use this for models that have an internal representation that's different from what the model exposes to the view.

特定于 headersGetter,作为一个函数有助于实现以下目的:

This allows either getting the entire headers object passed in the config, or a specific header value by name (case insensitive).


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