powershell - 将所有 ADUsers 封装在 CSV 文件中

标签 powershell csv active-directory

我想在 CSV 文件中检索所有 AD 用户。但每次我运行脚本时,CSV 文件都有不同数量的用户。

我知道有多达 4000 个用户...但有时检索到 500 到 600 个结果。

我注意到在我的 CSV 文件中,最后一行类似

"Person Name", "<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="95e5f0e7e6fafbbbfbf4f8f0d5f0f8f4fcf9bbf6faf8" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>","person.name","CN=somewhere,OU=USERS,OU=THERE,OU=HERE,OU=SOMEPLACE,OU=ORG,DC= (here is the part where it breaks)

我注意到,总是在最后一行,结果是break。我的 CSV 文件有限制吗?


$path = ".\Users.csv"

$root = [adsi]''
$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root)
$searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user))"
$searcher.PageSize = 5000 #iknow the max is 1000, but when i do it, and count my result, its show up 4000+
$searcher.SizeLimit = 5000

$cols = "cn", "mail", "samaccountname", "distinguishedname"
foreach ($i in $cols) {$searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)}

$users = $searcher.FindAll() |
  Select-Object @{e={$_.properties.cn};n='DisplayName'},

$users | Export-Csv $path -Delimiter ";" -Encoding Default #now delimiting using ";" to do have problems with my string with commas


使用 ActiveDirectory 模块 cmdlet。容易多了。看起来像这样:

$path = ".\Users.csv"
Get-ADUser -Filter * | 
  Select-Object cn, mail, samaccountname, distinguishedname |
  Export-Csv -Path $Path

根据您的 PowerShell 版本,您可能需要手动导入模块。

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

关于powershell - 将所有 ADUsers 封装在 CSV 文件中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31415233/


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