fortran - Fortran 语言中的 sleep

标签 fortran fortran-iso-c-binding

有谁知道 Fortran 中休眠指定毫秒数的方法吗?我不想使用不可移植的系统调用,因此 Fortran 或 C 库固有的任何内容都是首选。


使用Fortran ISO C Binding使用C库sleep以秒为单位休眠:

   module Fortran_Sleep

   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int

   implicit none


      !  should be unsigned int ... not available in Fortran
      !  OK until highest bit gets set.
      function FortSleep (seconds)  bind ( C, name="sleep" )
          integer (c_int) :: FortSleep
          integer (c_int), intent (in), VALUE :: seconds
      end function FortSleep

   end interface

end module Fortran_Sleep

program test_Fortran_Sleep

   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int

   use Fortran_Sleep

   implicit none

   integer (c_int) :: wait_sec, how_long

   write (*, '( "Input sleep time: " )', advance='no')
   read (*, *) wait_sec
   how_long = FortSleep ( wait_sec )

   write (*, *) how_long


end program test_Fortran_Sleep

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