angularjs - 使用 Controller As 方法访问继承范围

标签 angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-controller

使用定义 Controller 的原始方法,访问父级作用域相当简单,因为子级作用域通常继承自其父级作用域。

app.controller("parentCtrl", function($scope){
   $ = "Parent";
.controller("childCtrl", function($scope){
   $scope.childName = "child of " + $;

<div ng-controller="parentCtrl">
   <div ng-controller="childCtrl">

Controller 作为方法似乎是 recommended声明 Controller 的方法。但对于 Controller-As,上述方法不再有效。

当然,我可以从 View 中使用 访问父作用域:

<div ng-controller="parentCtrl as pc">
   <div ng-controller="childCtrl as cc">

我确实对此有一些问题(可能会出现意大利面条式代码),但这个问题是关于从子 Controller 访问父作用域。


app.controller("parentCtrl", function(){ = "parent";
.controller("childCtrl", function($scope){
   $ = "child of " + $;
   // or
   $scope.$ = "child of " + $;

   // there's no $
   // and no $scope.$

所以现在,子 Controller 需要了解“pc” - 除了,这应该(在我看来)仅限于 View 。我认为子 Controller 不应该知道 View 决定声明 ng-controller="parentCtrl as pc" 的事实。



澄清:我不想继承父 Controller 。我希望继承/更改共享范围。因此,如果我要修改第一个示例,我应该能够执行以下操作:

app.controller("parentCtrl", function($scope){
   $scope.someObj = {prop: "not set"};
.controller("childCtrl", function($scope){
   $scope.someObj.prop = "changed";



Controller-As approach is NOT a substitute for using $scope. Both have their place, and can/should be used together judiciously.

  1. $scope 的作用正如其名称所示:即它在 $scope 上定义 ViewModel 属性。这最适合与嵌套 Controller 共享范围,这些 Controller 可以使用 $scope 驱动自己的逻辑或更改它。
  2. Controler-As 将整个 Controller 对象定义为具有命名范围的 ViewModel(通过 Controller 的别名)。如果 View 决定是否要引用特定 Controller ViewModel,则此方法仅在 View (而非其他 Controller )中效果最佳。


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

// Then the controllers could choose whether they want to modify the inherited scope or not:
app.controller("ParentCtrl", function($scope) {
    this.prop1 = {
      v: "prop1 from ParentCtrl"
    $scope.prop1 = {
      v: "defined on the scope by ParentCtrl"
  .controller("Child1Ctrl", function($scope) {})
  .controller("Child2Ctrl", function($scope) {
    // here, I don't know about the "pc" alias
    this.myProp = $scope.prop1.v + ", and changed by Child2Ctrl";
<script src=""></script>

<body ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="ParentCtrl as pc">
     <div ng-controller="Child1Ctrl">
        <div>I know about the "pc" alias: {{pc.prop1.v}}</div>
     <div ng-controller="Child2Ctrl as ch2">
       <div>I only care about my own ViewModel: {{ch2.myProp}}</div>

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