cucumber - 如何编写场景大纲以捕获单个参数中的对象列表?

标签 cucumber cucumber-jvm gherkin

在编写 cucumber 场景大纲测试用例时,有时我需要一个占位符来保存一组数据而不是一个。请参阅下面的伪示例:

Scenario Outline: example
Given I have <input_1> 
When I choose <input_2>
Then I should receive <result_list>  //instead of a single result

| input_1        | input_2        | result                 |
| input_1_case_1 | input_2_case_1 | result_1_case_1_part_1 |
|                |                | result_1_case_1_part_2 |
|                |                | result_1_case_1_part_3 |

在上面的示例中,我的“结果”需要捕获每个 input_1 和 input_2 参数的对象列表。但是通过上面的写法,cucumber不会将最后一条语句编译为类似:

public void i_should_receive(Datatable or list of object) throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

如何编写我的 cucumber 脚本来实现我想要的?



Scenario Outline: example
Given I have <input_1> 
When I choose <input_2>
Then I should receive <result_list>  //instead of a single result

| input_1        | input_2        | result                                                                
| input_1_case_1 | input_2_case_1 | result_1_case_1_part_1,result_1_case_1_part_2,result_1_case_1_part_3 |


public void i_should_receive(String result) throws Throwable {
    List<String> items = Arrays.asList(str.split("\\s*,\\s*"));

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