c - 数据库程序: array type has incomplete element type

标签 c arrays unix compiler-errors

 ATTRIBUTES*  addRelation(char*,char*,ATTRIBUTES*);
 void nattr(ATTRIBUTES*);
 void tuplelen(ATTRIBUTES*);
 void infattr(char*,ATTRIBUTES*);
 void addValues(ATTRIBUTES*,char*);
 int count(VALUES*);
 void project(ATTRIBUTES*,char*);
 void select(char*,char*,char*,ATTRIBUTES*);
 int inStringArray(char*[][],int,char*);


prototypes.h:9:1: error: array type has incomplete element type

prototypes.h:7:24: error: expected ')' before '*' token

我也有这个错误,但我的语法是正确的。是我没有正确编译这个头文件吗? 我一直在使用gcc




struct Data;

Data myData[50]; // The compiler doesn't know how much data is needed


struct Data; // This line is now obsolete in this simple example

struct Data {
    int someInteger;

Data myData[50]; // The compiler now knows this is essentially 50 integers (+padding)


这本质上意味着 C++ 无法确定多维数组的大小。

如果您想定义或传递一个 n 维数组,您必须记住,您只能使用可变长度的一维(因为否则编译器将无法确定正确的大小) )。简而言之,[] 最多只能出现一次。


void doSomething(int args[]) {
    // 1 dimension, every element is the length of one integer
    args[0]; // this is the first integer
    args[1]; // this is the second integer (offset is args + sizeof(int))

void doSomething(int args[][2]) {
    // 2 dimensions, every element is the length of two integers
    args[0]; // this is the first set of integers
    args[1]; // this is the second set (offset is args + sizeof(int[2]))

void doSomething(int args[][]) {
    // 2 dimensions, no idea how long an element is
    args[0]; // this is the first set of integers
    args[1]; // this is the second set (offset is args + sizeof(int[])... oops? how long is that?)


void doSomething(int args*[]) {
    // 2 dimensions, set of integers
    args[0]; // this is the first set of integers
    args[1]; // this is the second set (offset is args + sizeof(int*))



int inStringArray(char*[][],int,char*);

int inStringArray(char**[],int,char*);

请记住,您可能还需要更新代码的其他部分,并且必须小心,以防将该数组传递到某处(例如使用 delete 释放它) .

关于c - 数据库程序: array type has incomplete element type,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29295152/


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