C# 使用函数将值添加到列表

标签 c#

这里有一些背景: 我目前正忙于为学校作业做一个简单的学生管理。我目前正在添加将学生添加到类(class)的选项。我使用的代码是这样的:

class Student
        //alle properties van de student
        public string studentNumber { get; set; } //student number
        public string name { get; set; } //name of the student
        public string adress { get; set; } //adress of the student
        public string phoneNumber { get; set; } //phone number og the student

        //a constructor
        public Student(string studentNumber, string name, string adress, string phoneNumber)
            this.studentNumber= studentNumber;
            this.name= name;
            this.adress= adress;
            this.phoneNumber= phoneNumber;

        //To string override
        public override string ToString()
            return $"studentNumber: {studentNumber}, name: {name}, adress: {adress}, phoneNumber:{phoneNumber}";
            //"aantal vakken: { String.Join(", ", vakken)}"


class Klas
    public string classCode{ get; set; }
    public string className{ get; set; }
    public List<Student> studentArray{ get; set; } //list with students

    public Klas(string klasnummer, string klasnaam, List<Student> studenten)
        classCode= classCode;
        className= className;
        studentArray= studentArray;
    static void AddStudents()
        //this is where the students should be added to 'studentArray'


class Program
    static List<Klas> ClassList= new List<Klas>();
    public static void AllClass()
        //list with klassen and students 
        ClassList.Add(new Klas("KL0001", "AO1-A", new List<Student>()

        ClassList.Add(new Klas("KL0002", "AO1-B", new List<Student>()
               //this is where I used to create the students on the spot

        ClassList.Add(new Klas("KL0003", "AO2-A", new List<Student>()


        ClassList.Add(new Klas("KL0004", "GD3-C", new List<Student>()


        ClassList.Add(new Klas("KL0176", "STM4-P", new List<Student>()


    static void Main(string[] args)


这个类(class)有几个学生需要加入的类(class)(或者作为学生不必参加类(class))。问题是我不允许简单地使用 new student("studentnummer", "naam", "all the other variabels you can see inside of the Student class") 添加这些 klassen 中的学生。我必须使用单独的函数( Voegstudenttoe() )来添加它们。

如果您认为这已经很多了,那么在我将学生添加到列表之前,这些学生必须已经存在,因为某些学生可能不在 klas 中,而是自己上学。




static void Voegstudenttoe()
    //this is where the students should be added to a klas inside the klassenlist

不应该是静态的,因此您可以将 Student 添加到 Klas 的这个特定实例中。


public void Voegstudenttoe(Student newStudent)
   if (newStudent != null)

顺便说一下,Studentenlijst 属性也可以是:

public List<Student> Studentenlijst { get; } = new List<Student>();



关于C# 使用函数将值添加到列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59089949/


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