scala - 在 Scala 中处理多个 Future

标签 scala future

我目前有一种基于 Future[String] 更新 Redis 表的方法。

  def update(key: String, timeStamp: Long, jsonStringF: Future[String], redisClient: RedisClient) = { { jsonString =>
      val historyKey = "history." + key
      val tempKey = "temp." + key

      val tran = redisClient.transaction()
      tran.zadd(historyKey, (timeStamp, jsonString))
      val f = tran.exec()
      f.onComplete {
        case Success(suc) =>"Updated $historyKey and deleted $tempKey successfully ....")
        case Failure(ex) => dlogger.warn(s"Error updating tables", ex)

现在我有两个 Future[String] (jsonStringF1jsonStringF2),我想更新两个不同的表。

  def update(key: String, timeStamp: Long, jsonStringF1: Future[String], jsonStringF2: Future[String], redisClient: RedisClient) = {


我想用 jsonStringF2 中的 String 更新另一个表("another."+ key)。我怎样才能做到这一点 ?


  def update(tableKey: String, timeStamp: Long,  jsonStringF1: Future[String], jsonStringF2: Future[String], redisClient: RedisClient) =

    for {
      a <- jsonStringF1
      t <- jsonStringF2

      historyKey = "history." + tableKey
      anotherKey = "another." + tableKey + 

      tempKey = "temp." + tableKey
      tran = redisClient.transaction()
      _ = tran.zadd(historyKey, (timeStamp, a))
      _ = tran.zadd(anotherKey, (timeStamp, t))
      _ = tran.del(tempKey)
      f = tran.exec()
    } yield ()


  1. 您可以使用 for 循环,如您所描述的

    def update(tableKey: String, timeStamp: Long,  jsonStringF1: Future[String], jsonStringF2:Future[String], redisClient: RedisClient) = {
        for {
            a <- jsonStringF1
            t <- jsonStringF2
        } yield {
            val historyKey = "history." + tableKey
            val anotherKey = "another." + tableKey
            val tran = redisClient.transaction()
            tran.zadd(historyKey, (timeStamp, a))
            tran.zadd(anotherKey, (timeStamp, t))
  2. 作为 for 的替代方案,您还可以使用 scala/async ( ) 并像这样编写代码

    def update(tableKey: String, timeStamp: Long,  jsonStringF1: Future[String], jsonStringF2:Future[String], redisClient: RedisClient) = {
        async {
            val a = await(jsonStringF1)
            val t = await(jsonStringF2)
            val historyKey = "history." + tableKey
            val anotherKey = "another." + tableKey
            val tran = redisClient.transaction()
            tran.zadd(historyKey, (timeStamp, a))
            tran.zadd(anotherKey, (timeStamp, t))

这也将是非阻塞的。 异步有一点优势,因为

async blocks are compiled to a single anonymous class, as opposed to a separate anonymous class for each closure required at each generator.

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